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Strangers in the Forest of Taboos


No Map, No Fuel, No idea.


Four Australian mates trek into the interior of Central Ceram in the Maluku region of Indonesia.


Inspired by a book written by Italian Anthropologist Valerio Valeri, the group follow a local guide into the wilderness and encounter snakes, floods, a jungle parade and a mysterious bow-hunter who shoots strangers in the forest.


The film is an observational travelogue taken from the first person perspective (part creative choice and part necessity), the action is unplanned and the intended result is an immersive experience for the viewer. 


The film features Pat Giltrap - an environmental advisor for a huge gas development in Darwin. Marcus Sainsbury - a climate change expert based in Canberra. Michael Schultz - a fluent Bahasa speaker who is experienced with Indonesian culture through his history in disaster relief through the region - and the real star of the film: Mr. Buan, our Huaulu guide.




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The reference to Valerio Valeri and his book The Forest of Taboos aims to add context to the film around the potentially chaotic “boots in the mud” adventure; the clearly measured approach of Valerio a contrast with the larrikin nature of our protagonists - yet in a way the level of respect is the same. The interactions with the local people are genuine and honest. 

The below trailer gives you a taste of the adventure, and the characters involved. The film made its Australian Premiere at the Adventure Travel Film Festival in Bright on the 10-12 February 2017. 


Check out this link for a review on Fillums Blog spot


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